Tykfobien trives under Covid-19-pandemien

Your Fat Friend. skriver

"As someone who struggles with recovery from my own eating disorder, I know the pain of needing to process an eating disorder or a changing body. I also know that processing that publicly or with people without knowing if they’re in the headspace to hear about it at worst helps trigger others’ eating disorders and at best leads them back to intrusive and shameful thoughts they’ve long tried to escape. And, often unintentionally, the ways in which we share those insecurities can send powerful messages about which bodies are worth having, whose bodies are worth loving, and what becomes of people who are fat. In these cases, “I’m going to end up fat” isn’t a simple statement of fact; it’s a warning of a terrible, impending fate. It’s a quiet and vicious punishment, not only to the person saying it, but to everyone within earshot who is fatter."
